The Shadows Come

America enters The Great War. All the men we know and love from the first novel must register for the draft and await the lottery. Simultaneously, life falls apart for Avery and Prentis as unforeseen health challenges put Avery at risk. Jack is also in danger, but no one knows where the threats originate. All appears easy to explain away, but it is not.

As troops are called into action, characters we love are moved around the world like chess pieces, their lives and possible deaths in the hands of generals and world leaders. Wrapped up in all of this is a strange flu, originating right in the middle of the country, at the new camp in Fort Riley, Kansas, then called Camp Funston.

War, sickness, calamity, and loss engulf all of our characters. They must learn how to rely on the Lord during dark times over which they have no control, times when their destinies are entirely outside their own determination and when the shadows threaten to overtake them.

Who will live? Who will die? What will become of the characters we came to know and love so well in No Longer Alone? The Shadows Come reveals their story.


A few early readers share their thoughts on the novel:

L. B. Johnson, Best-Selling Author:

“In a sequel that surpasses the superlative “No Longer Alone,” we continue life’s journey with Prentis and Avery, newlyweds trying to make a life on the harsh reality of the American Midwest after the turn of last century. War is raging, not only abroad, but in the hearts of neighbors who through their own insecurities and anger chip away at the sanctuary the young couple have created for themselves.

“Love, faith, courage, and action all set against a background of one of America’s darker times come to life through the words of a gifted author. It’s a rich story of seemingly small lives that end up mattering in the largest of ways.”

Michelle R. Schuck, Retired Literature and History Teacher:

“So many things to love about this book: Avery and PJ’s love story, so many interesting facts about WWI, family and community helping each other, a young family learning to put their trust in God. I have read all of Melinda’s fiction. This is by far my favorite. Definitely leaves me wanting more about this family. So well written. Such a beautiful story. I don’t have enough superlatives to describe how I feel about this. Just read it! You won’t be disappointed!”

Katie Andraski, Author and Poet:

“I admire Melinda Inman’s grit—how she has stayed faithful to her craft as a writer despite a move across the country, her dream not playing out like she thought, and physical ailments. She has continued to write and publish good books that encourage and entertain her readers.

The Shadows Come continues Prentis and Avery’s love story begun in No Longer Alone, stories that are based on her great grandparents. It is refreshing to see their love remain so passionate and appreciative despite their caring for a toddler, marriage breaking accusations, and the international trauma of WWI. This is a farm family that supported the war effort and grieved as world powers pulled everyone into darkness. Inman gives a clear picture into life during this time.

The Shadows Come is a captivating read about how the power of married love and Christian faith shine a light into the terror of a world war, the Spanish Flu, and personal loss. This is a well- researched family story that reminds the reader ‘His eye is on the sparrow’ and leaves us full of hope.”

Kristin Lewis Robinson, Life Coach and Author:

 “Prentis and Avery face dark days. Family, community, and a close friend get sent off to a war, stretching their faith in God’s sovereign will. They read every newspaper and pray fervently for both safety and a quick resolution. On a personal level, hopes are dashed, reputation is slandered, and they are fighting for joy. Their struggle reveals the power of their faith in the work of the Lord and His ability to carry them through loss, sacrifice, and danger. Striving daily to leave a legacy of faith, fighting to give others a voice, and honoring the ones they have lost, they are an inspiration of unwavering faith in the trenches and a steadfast, living hope firmly rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ. You will walk away understanding what it was like to be a young couple with a little boy living on their little farm in Oklahoma, as well as what it means to trust in the Lord with all your heart even when the world around you is forever being changed.”

I’m so grateful for these four reviewers, whose words are now featured inside the front cover of The Shadows Come. These readers are familiar with all of my work, and I’m so thankful for their feedback and their unwavering support.

Now for the nuts and bolts. I’ve made everything simple for readers by publishing exclusively with Amazon this time around. So, I’m aiming you toward my Amazon Author Page (shown below) for purchase information. Everything’s right there.

The Shadows Come can now be found there with my other titles (see below). If you haven’t read the first book yet, No Longer Alone, it’s right there, too, for only 99 cents right now on Kindle.

After you read The Shadows Come, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please take a few minutes and write a review, just a handful of sentences sharing your opinion of the story.

Your words sell books! Thank you!